March 2008
MoMA is curating a blog for the Home Delivery exhibition. It went live Monday. So far, Kieran Timberlake has posted on the Cellophane House: STATUS: And Douglas Gauthier and Jeremy Edmiston have updated the progress on their BURST*.008 design: For Home Delivery, the fabrication method has evolved to account for a four to five week on-site construction timeframe, as well as the intricacies of house building in midtown Manhattan. Check out the blog for weekly updates from each team: http://www.momahomedelivery.org/. We received an email from Katherine Keltner at the offices of Gauthier Architects. She provided an update and correction regarding the BURST* model appearing in the upcoming Home Delivery show at MoMA: BURST.003 was completed in 2006 under SYSTEMarchitects: Douglas Gauthier and Jeremy Edmiston. We'll provide more information on the BURST.008 model when details are released. In the meantime, check out the other coverage we have of the exhibition: