Last week KieranTimberlake ... is admired for its sustainable and research-based approach to design that has helped reinvent the nature of componentized construction.... Congrats! Here's an Amazon link to the book.
John Wimmer on December 18, 2007 at 11:33 a.m.
This project exemplifies the diverse possibilities of architectural esthetic when designing modular structures. In designing a skin with a high degree of transparency, Kieran Timberlake has very effectively disguised the usual apparentness of modular form and provided a vibrance not usually associated with modular construction. This project exceeds even the typical modernist fare seen all over the web when considering the immediate visual impact of the skin, and I would bet the majority of people would not have guessed this was a modular home without further reading. It's an excellent project to be sure, and provides more inspiration to those who work to liberate prefabricated architecture from the usual dismal associations.
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