tagged as 'Seattle'
From their Green Cubed website:
A slide show is also available on the site. Hat tip: Jetson Green on June 18, 2009. The Seattle Times reported a few weeks back on an attempt by Unico Properties to bring affordable housing to Seattle:
So, Unico turned to modular construction:
For reference: Mithun, HyBrid Architecture. The savings?
Features of the units include:
Our previous coverage of prefabs being used for similar high-density developments:
author: Eric Pyne
publication: The Seattle Times
length: 950 words
publication date: May 27, 2008
(Hattip: Jetson Green) Seattle PI discovered the blog at Seattle Prefab: "I'm always looking for news on the prefab front in Seattle because, while the movement has great momentum, we haven't really seen a solid application in the local residential sector. Well today I came across a mini gold mine called Seattle Prefab." Inhabitat's Prefab Friday discussed a new concept project: "The Clean Hub, 'a new prototype for sustainable infrastructure'....the freestanding module delivers completely off-the-grid infrastructure, from clean water and sanitation to renewable power to disaster areas or rural locations without access to such resources." |