May 2007
I just found a Yahoo! Group dedicated to sharing the thoughts and experiences of "Hello. My name is Gregg. I am building an LV Home in Sperryville, VA, about 60 miles west of DC in the foothills of the Shenandoah Mountains.
Some of the very first posts had substantive content:
The reason I am starting this group is because I have had a lot of questions during this process to which I could not find answers on the web -- the most notable example being the actual cost....I felt it would be a good idea to have a forum for people interested in the home to be able to ask around." "When I ask[ed] for bid submissions, I insisted on having the contractors do 2 columns: Perryville [Missouri, where the Romero factory is located] and Sperryville [Virginia]. That way, I could see where they deviated heavily from Rocio's estimates. Here are the deviations:
There have been countless discussions on construction costs, and others about sourcing windows or other products for LV Series homes.
Foundation: +3300 Framing and roof: +5000 Heat, Plumbing, Elec: +1500 Interior Finish: +400 ...It fell very close to Rocio's estimate, and I am in one of the most expensive areas of the country." One user, having just finished his LV Home posted a full recap of construction costs, photos and thoughts on the project: "Note that we did not encounter any big problems during construction. I will say that we were not pleased at all with the costs and do blame our contractor for a lot of the cost madness. But when we solicited bids more than one builder said, "kit or no kits, the cost per square foot will be the same." And that bore out to be true." (emphasis added)
If you want to build an LV home, this is definitely a must-visit site. |