The Chicago Tribune visited
Michelle Kaufmann's
mkSolaire exhibit last week:
everything in and about the 2,500-square-foot home on exhibit just outside of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has been designed to show the public how easy it can be to incorporate environmental sustainability into their own abodes.
Michelle Kaufmann commented on her hopes for the exhibit:
"We tried to look for ideas in every choice that we make in our homes ... hoping that everyone who goes through it will be inspired to make some change on some level.... Some people will walk away and want to do an entire new home, or some people will think when they go for their towels next and go for organic linens."
Some of the many features of the home:
half the energy of traditional homes
a third of the water of traditional homes
water from the bathroom sink is diverted to the toilet
a bicycle in the children's bedroom must be pedaled for 30 minutes to charge a battery to power video games
Visitors receive a resource guide that tells about the function of each feature, how they're assembled and where they can be purchased.
subtitle: Exhibit shows saving energy within reach
publication: The Chicago Tribune
author: Caryn Rousseau
length: 500 words
publication date: August 8, 2008