April 2008
We couldn't attend this year's CA Boom show in Los Angeles, so here are a few recaps from others: Curbed LA took a look at the Modern-Shed booth: One interesting new [entrant] was ... the itty-bitty Modern Shed and its quaint homemade sale sign in the window: "$15,000 with deck. Free Local Delivery."They also went on a tour of the Red Barn Prefab that we covered previously: The designer of the home was on site, and gave a brief introductory speech before we started exploring and snapping pictures. The home was built using re-engineered steel, concrete floors (natch) and eco-timber flooring.... The home took nine months to build and actually has a twin next door... The LA Times slideshow included a tour of an We previously covered Allison Arieff's related interview; here's the accompanying slideshow. |