The New York Times covered the The architect, Laszlo Kiss, has designed a four-bedroom prototype in Sag Harbor that he says uses the constant temperature of the earth and the power of the sun for heat and electricity. The house, which he is calling About Saving a Planet, or ASAP, was built in a Pennsylvania factory, delivered in three sections by truck to a quarter-acre lot in Sag Harbor and assembled there in late December. A bit more info from the ASAP• house site: The ASAP• house consists of three prefabricated modules which are set on a high strength concrete, also prefabricated, foundation manufactured by Superior Wall. The house modules arrive at the site 80% finished and requiring only final assembly and minor interior and exterior work. Back in November, Inhabitat wrote about the home. Jetson Green was excited: It'll be fun to follow the blog progress and see the finished product. At that point, we'll officially have one more prefab contender, and more particularly, one that can service the Northeast! The home's blog features some good progress reports, including the delivery and set of the modules. style: modern
size: 2,500sf
bedrooms: 4
bathrooms: 2.5
how: modules
foundation: Superior Walls
features: solar and geo-thermal heating/cooling standard, full basement, front and rear porches
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