We covered many informative websites on prefab and modular homes last year. A few of our favorite posts:
In May, we found the LV Series Yahoo! Group, a great resource on Rocio Romero's LV Series homes
We wrote about Nashville Modern Prefab in June. The plan: to build a Hive Modular home. Sadly, it looks like work has stalled.
Shedworking entered our radar at the end of June. The blog is a great source of information on small prefab homes.
We love A Prefab Project, which tracks the progress of a Resolution: 4 Architecture home in West Virginia. In July, we watched the home being delivered.
Also in July: Hive Modular started a blog.
Sears Homes were some of the earliest prefabs. We were excited when we found a great resource on the homes: the Sears Archives.
I'd forgotten about this one: we covered a great Flickr set of a Flatpack House going up. Now the home is much more complete.
In December, we came across ModularHomeChoice.com. It offers some useful information about building a modular home.
And we saw Secret Fortress Hideout, a blog all about the construction of an LVL Home.