The Good Human's Prefab Wednesday discovered the zeroHouse: Holy Moly Batman…a house that powers itself, composts its own waste, collects its own water, and is completely automatic doing all of these things. When can I get one? Inhabitat's Prefab Friday wrote about the Linx Shipping Container Shelter, a container concept from Ireland: Using 20-foot shipping containers, Barnwall’s idea provides functional shelter for workers on a construction site offering all the amenities needed to give workers a comfortable place for pause. Treehugger covered the Loq•kit prefab concept which we covered last week: It is an ingenious and very well resolved idea for revolutionizing the way we build houses, breaking it down into components that snap together much like an office system. Materialicio.us also discussed the home, with commentary by Greg La Vardera: I think it is tremendously clever, and has the characteristics of a truly disruptive technology. It has the potential to change radically the way we build houses. Curbed LA released an update on the reduced price of the ...now the lots, which come with plans to build, are listed at $295,000 and $275,000Last month's prices: $349,000 and $337,000.
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