Equity Green took a look at the "...$200 per sq/ft still isn't that bad considering the quality that you are receiving. Hive Modular is one of the best prefab, modular companies out there...especially for the price." The Good Human's Prefab Wednesday explored the designs of Jennifer Siegel's "...Turns out it is the model of the Show House by Jennifer Siegal's Office of Mobile Design. It was open so we went in and took a look around and it was absolutely beautiful. Jennifer was there as well to answer any questions so we chatted for a few minutes....Although a little small for a family of 4, this example of what can be built off-site just proves that anything is possible." Inhabitat's Prefab Friday added thoughts on the WIRED LivingHome and noted that the official site now features some cool videos: "...Combine all that with some cutting-edge technologies, like automated theatre, temperature, and lighting, and you've got yourself a 4,000 square foot masterpiece of green design." Jetson Green's Flickr Friday showed off the "When you see this, you won't believe how much functionality and comfort can go into a mere 325 sf."He also pointed out this video, from HGTV, about the home:
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